Teens School "Lock-Out" Bid Fails
Vandalism spree included vulgar rearrangement of H.S. sign

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MAY 19--Three high school pranksters were arrested early yesterday on vandalism charges after allegedly padlocking the gates to their Florida school and hanging a banner announcing that they 'ran' the institution. After a 911 caller reported seeing teens jumping fences at First Coast High School, cops arrested Ryan Ortgaus, 19; Jacob Nolan, 18; and a 17-year-old whose name was redacted from a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office report, an excerpt from which you'll find here. Ortagus (left) and Nolan are pictured in these mug shots. But the highlight of the teen hijinks was the group's editing of the large sign in front of First Coast. After two padlocks were broken and a security bar was damaged, the vandals accessed the sign and rearranged letters to leave this message behind: 'Go oral cunts.' In an update on his MySpace page, Nolan last night listed his mood as 'scared,' and reported that he 'spent the day at jail. definitely somewhere i never wanna go again. probably wont graduate, gonna have to pay a ton of money, court june 2nd.' (2 pages)